
The Death Squad posts songs on their MySpace page ( such as "Emo Arab Turbins" [sic] and "White Power":


"Hail Hitler, white power, supremacy is the best, tattoo a swastika on my chest/ I pay respect for I am white, and since I'm white I am always right."

Drummer/singer Brackin Ass Ryan says, "I am Filipino, I'm not white. See my weird sense of humor?" With James Bond Brackin on guitar and vocals, the duo demonstrates their humor in "Death to KFC," which opens with a prank call to a local Kentucky Fried Chicken:

KFC: "Hi, thanks for calling KFC/Taco Bell, how may I help you?"

DS: "Hello, I am from PETA, the animal activist group."

KFC: "Excuse me?"

DS: "We would like to host a meeting over the cruelty of animals at KFC."

KFC: "Hang on one momento. Brenda! Oh my God, something about an animal protest group..."

"It was me that called KFC that night," says Ryan. "I do all of the music editing and stupid stuff that goes on.... I have nothing against KFC. I love chicken."

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