Wrong Turns

That new AAA Auto Club headquarters planned just north of Interstate 8 at the Taylor Street off-ramp has just gotten a heads-up from city hearing officer Tracy Elliott-Yawn, who ruled last week that the project has no significant environmental effects. Before that decision, the city had fined the club $35,000 for jumping the gun on construction without a permit. Mission Valley watchdog Randy Berkman, who blew the whistle on the violation and continues to oppose the complex because the endangered Least Bell's Vireo is known to live nearby and because it would increase flood levels, is vowing to appeal to the planning commission, which has the final say ... Ginger Hovenic, who runs the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce Foundation, got a tidy raise in 2001, according to tax documents. After receiving $110,000 in 2000, her salary is listed as jumping to $125,000 the following year. The employees closest in salary were Thanayi A. Karenga, listed as getting just $22,694, and Amy Zucchoro, who is listed as receiving $19,207. Two consultants also received hefty sums. Diane Hadfield, listed on the foundation's website as "Director of Projects," was said to be paid $60,000, and Rod Tompkins is listed as getting $32,234. The 2001 return, unsigned and undated, was turned over by the foundation this week only after repeated requests.

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