Outrage expressed over Mexican oyster order


¡Eh, eso es racista.

Over the past week, dozens of people in San Diego and other parts of Southern California have been sickened with norovirus. Following an investigation, San Diego County health officials have responded by calling on consumers and restaurants to dispose of all oysters imported from Mexico until further notice. Not everyone is happy with the move. “Frankly, I’m shocked that the County would make such a statement,” said City Equity Enforcement Officer Natasha Trigger-Warning. “Did we learn nothing from Trump’s racist rhetoric when he called Covid-19 the Wuhan flu and the China virus? I mean, that’s where it was from, but still — racist, much? Was it any surprise that we saw an increase in attacks on Asian-Americans in the wake of his statements? And now, at a time when brave immigrants crossing our southern border are facing unprecedented levels of hostility, we have this place-based blame-placing, and a call to deal with the problem by just getting rid of all oysters from a certain country. To blame this norovirus outbreak on oysters is one thing, but singling out Mexican oysters smacks of the worst kind of racial profiling. We have to do better. Now if you’ll excuse me, my stomach is a bit jumpy. Must be something I ate.”

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