Mayor’s Deputy Communications Director puts former colleagues in their place

Stars Upon Thars

“Do you have a gold star? No? Then why would you think you are special?”

Shortly after Mayor Gloria’s recent press conference announcing the creation of a parking lot sleep space for San Diego’s homeless, reporters from the Latino newspaper LaPrensa San Diego attempted to gain access to the site in an effort to report on conditions. Their request was denied, even after they promised to protect residents’ anonymity. When the paper took to Twitter to complain about the city’s lack of transparency, former CityBeat Editor and current mayoral comms officer Dave Rolland was quick to reply: “I know this is going to be hard for you to swallow, but you’re not special.” Some San Diego media figures were critical of Rolland, especially given his history with the alternative press, but we here at SD on the QT are glad to see that he has repented of his rabble rousing past as a nosy newsman and embraced the establishment. After all, if they have the power, they must be doing something right!

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