Philandering Fletcher announces withdrawal from public life

Pathological Politics

“This will be my last press conference.” Nathan Fletcher addresses reporters prior to entering Scotland’s Kagyu Samye Ling Buddhist monastery, where he will remain until he is humble and whole enough to rejoin his family and live invisibly.

Statement from County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher: “As I look back over my career as a County Supervisor — at my support for draconian lockdown measures during covid, at my insistence on covid vaccines for low-risk youth, at my insistence that racism was a public health crisis, and on and on, it’s clear to me now that my deep desire to control the lives of others arose from my profound inability to control my own. While the exposure of my marital infidelity is the proximate cause of my leaving political life, my real problems are much deeper. Struggles with alcohol abuse, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder related to my time in the military, and even childhood trauma. Those are the problems I need to deal with — not winning elections and governing others. Take my advice, people, and look within. Goodbye.”

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