Phanksy Punks Padres

Mysterious muralist strikes back in wake of controversial chicken creation

Clockwise from upper left: “Censored Content,” “U Mad Musgrove?” “Ta-ta, Tatis,” “Adios, Machados!”

Shortly before the Padres’ ill-fated National League Championship Series against the Philadelphia Phillies, the artists behind Ground Floor murals felt inspired to create a work showing the San Diego Chicken standing over the Phillie Phanatic and giving him a swift kick to the head. Superstitious fans warned, “If we lose the series, this is why,” and the mural was soon painted over, but to no avail. The baseball gods were angered, and the Padres lost the series 4-1, a sad conclusion to their remarkable season. Now, adding insult to injury, that same Phillie Phanatic has appeared on Padres murals all over San Diego, a goofy but grim reminder that pride goeth before the fall.

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