Fletcher’s Founding Framework

Declaration of Racism as Public Health Crisis sets new priority for County

Super-supervisor Fletcher: “In declaring racism as a public health crisis, we are acknowledging that racism underpins health inequities throughout the region. I strongly condemn the coronavirus for its racist behavior: infecting, hospitalizing, and killing Blacks and Latinxs at much higher rates than whites.”

In a brave, bold move that will no doubt serve as inspiration to many of his fellow whites, Nathan Fletcher today announced his intention to relinquish his position as a newly elected county supervisor to a person of color. “It’s wonderful that we finally have minority representation on the board in the person of District 1 supervisor Nora Vargas, but it’s not enough, not nearly,” explained Fletcher. “The Board of Supervisors has been lily white for far too long, and it’s time for bold action in the service of dramatic change. That’s why I am voluntarily stepping down from my position of power to make way for a more equitable future. But before I go, I’m proud to put forward my Framework for combating the systemic racism built into San Diego’s institutional structures, a Framework built upon the declaration that racism is a public health crisis. Just look at the way Blacks and Hispanics are occupying a disproportionate number of our ICU beds during this pandemic. It’s not fair, and it’s not right. The distribution of resources must be equitable. That’s why the Framework recommends that all county departments, — from from the Fire Advisory Board to the Fly Abatement Board to the Julian Historical Architectural Review Board — incorporate an Equity Impact Statement in all their letters and action proposals. Everybody knows that the way to combat racism is through allocation of funds, and this Framework will help make that happen. Covid-19 has been terrible, but if its disproportionate impact on people of color can help us take inventory of our policies and practices using an equity lens, then some good will have come of it.”

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