I’ve never had a better cry

Love and joy for south San Diego, Otay Mesa, San Ysidro

A dog like Biggie — is the perfect companion. They don’t distract you, they just hang out.

Dogged by gratitude

I just finished reading that story “Border Dogs are our Kryptonite” (Cover Stories, April 15) and let me tell you I’ve never had a better cry to get me over some personal things that I’m going through right now than I did after reading this. I don’t think I’ve ever cried reading a story before in the Reader, but it really did hit my heart, and the writer put me right there, you know, with Biggie and her pups, and it just showed the kindness and the caring that we should all have towards animals. And I’m not crying for them sad, I’m crying for them happy.


I lost my parents a year and a year and a half ago and the only thing I have left is the dog that they cared so much for. So that’s why this dog story touched my heart, because every time I hold him I hold my mother one more time and I hold my father one more time. And once again this story was a beautiful story, and I want to thank the writer. My neighborhood is right down here along the border, south San Diego, Otay Mesa, San Ysidro. For all the bad things that happen along the border, this sure is something totally opposite, one of love and joy. Thank you once again.

  • Samuel Quintana
  • San Diego
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