Special SDQT feature: FutureNews from 2050!

How the elite beat the retreat

Biotech executive Jackson Powell enjoys a low-tide visit to the rooftop deck of his Del Mar home. “The people who talked about managed retreat back in 2019 forgot the fundamental rule of life: every problem is actually an opportunity. If we’d agreed to give up our beachfront property back then, we never would have discovered the incredible beauty and tranquillity of undersea living. The beach, with all its invasive sand and noise from the grubby public? Those nouveau riche clowns back in Clairemont can have it.”

Biotech executive Jackson Powell enjoys a low-tide visit to the rooftop deck of his Del Mar home. “The people who talked about managed retreat back in 2019 forgot the fundamental rule of life: every problem is actually an opportunity. If we’d agreed to give up our beachfront property back then, we never would have discovered the incredible beauty and tranquillity of undersea living. The beach, with all its invasive sand and noise from the grubby public? Those nouveau riche clowns back in Clairemont can have it.”

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