Local Irish pubs rush to commemorate UFC fighter’s barroom assault

Punch Drunk

The Field’s Sucker Punch: Milk (nonfat, like Conor), whiskey (Irish, also like Conor), POWdered sugar (get it?), and NUTmeg, because it takes serious sack to punch a man just because he doesn’t want you to buy him a drink. Also, it’s tasty.

A video posed on the Internet makes the case that on August 15, former UFC champion Conor McGregor sought to buy everyone at the bar in Dublin’s The Marble Arch a round of his Proper Twelve Irish whiskey. A white-haired gent with a pint declined his offer, not once but twice, and so McGregor socked him in the head. Local drinkeries were quick to react, though none quicker than the The Field in the Gaslamp, which was advertisting “Conor McGregor’s Sucker Punch” on its Facebook page within 10 minutes of the video’s appearance, with promises of a free sample to the first 100 souls who bought a shot of Proper Twelve to accompany it. Local chain Hooley’s followed suit a couple of hours later with a craft cocktail called Elder Abuse: a shot of Proper Twelve, a shot of Four Loko, and a shot of absinthe, shaken with egg white until the whole thing foams over. Up in Normal Heights, The Ould Sod kept it simpler with its Shot to the Head shot: Proper Twelve with a two dashes of Mad Dog 357 Hot Sauce. As of press time, there were unconfirmed reports that McGregor was seeking to copyright the recipes for all three beverages.

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