VA = Vivisected Army?

Ho skips town after going too far with drunk vets

Good old MBRUM, home of the bone saw and cattle prod!

“San Diego VA division chief Dr. Samuel Ho crossed a line,” says whistleblower Maria Chin. “Running catheters through the necks of numerous alcoholics with deeply compromised health in order to take liver biopsies? There’s a point where the interests of the patient have to take precedence over the interests of research. Ho ignored that, which is why we blew the whistle. And what was his response? After 28 years with the VA, he suddenly slips off and becomes Chief of Clinical Sciences at the Mohammed Bin Rashid University of Medicine in Dubai — where, presumably, he can operate with less oversight.”

SD on the QT reached out to Ho regarding the allegations, and received this response: “You Americans are hilarious. You are perfectly content serving up your soldiers’ bodies as cannon fodder in far-off lands. You are comfortable turning a blind eye as they slaughter themselves after coming home broken beyond repair. But if a doctor runs a few risky tests that might help ease the ravages wrought by the very drinking they do to numb the pain brought on by their service, well then, he’s got to be stopped. Good bye. You deserve what’s coming.”


Shortly after emailing this statement, Ho was blown to smithereens by a targeted US drone strike, executed by an Air Force serviceman who relaxed with a 12-pack of Heineken after his shift.

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