Love and theft in front of the Americana

Del Mar duo almost got the bike

Colleen Marie Donovan, 29

A man and woman accused of working together to steal an expensive bicycle from a Del Mar diner four months ago were in court this morning to hear evidence against them.

Mark William Sharp, 36

Colleen Marie Donovan, 29, and Mark William Sharp, 36, pleaded not guilty to felony conspiracy and other charges yesterday, November 19. Both defendants have other, current criminal cases which allege more than six felonies each; these include using other’s ID for credit, forgery, grand theft, and multiple burglaries.

The brick wall at the Americana

About 8 am on July 13, a woman reported her bicycle stolen. She told a deputy that she had met her husband for breakfast at the Americana Restaurant on Camino del Mar and during their meal, the woman noticed two persons who looked out of place; she said they acted suspiciously. The woman had her unlocked bike on a small brick retaining wall next to the table where they were eating, but after she and her husband went to pay their bill, they returned to found her bicycle and the suspicious strangers gone.

Sheriff’s deputy Adrian Moses spoke to another person at the restaurant who said he witnessed a male and female team working together to take the bike. He said the female thief gave the bike to the man who rode off on it, and then the woman ran to a white Toyota, which then drove off. This witness took a photo of the get-away car and described the car to the deputy, who released the information in a BOLO. (Be On the Look Out, in police jargon.)

Two hours later, about 10 am, that Toyota was stopped in Encinitas. The stolen bike was found in pieces in the trunk, the deputy said, and witnesses from the Del Mar restaurant were brought to the scene. Colleen Marie Donovan and Mark William Sharp were identified as the suspicious looking persons allegedly seen taking the bike, the deputy testified.

Billy clubs and methamphetamine and burglary tools were found in the Toyota, the deputy reported. The burglary tools were shaved keys and slim jims and inflation devices used to separate doors “so you can reach in and unlock the door.” Deputy Moses said this inflation device was “basically a small air pillow with a pump on it.”

The deputy described finding “composite knuckles that also act as stun gun” on the person of Mark William Sharp. Those are similar to brass knuckles but made of a different material, with two small prongs; the part inside the hand is connected so that the contraption can operate like a stun gun or taser, the deputy said.

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