Bulldozers move in to Sunset Cliffs

Eucalyptus grove out; trails and native plants in

The trail system being installed will largely follow the existing trails.

Construction has begun in Sunset Cliffs Natural Park on Phase 2 of the “Hillside Improvement Project,” a component of the Sunset Cliffs Natural Park master plan. Heavy equipment has moved in to the park to begin grading the new trail system and prepare for the restorations that go along with it.


Sunset Cliffs Natural Park

Sunset Cliffs Boulevard at Ladera Street, San Diego

The eucalyptus grove has been dying off for years due to bark-beetle infestation.

Kyle Inse, biologist on the project, says that the project includes the installation of over 20,000 native plants endemic to the area. Recon Native Plant Company is collecting seed and growing the plants that will be installed.

Parking lot closed until June

The grove of nonnative eucalyptus trees will be removed along with much of the nonnative weeds covering the hillside, the goal being to restore the native coastal sage scrub and maritime chaparral habitats endemic to the area.

The trail system that is being installed will largely follow the existing trails. The surfaces of the trails will be enhanced for durability and safety and erosion protecting features will be added.

According to project manager Douglas Ledsam of Silver Strand Construction, the Ladera Street lot will be closed to the public during the project. Pedestrian access to the park will still be allowed except around the areas where work is taking place. This may pose a problem for surfers wanting to access the beaches from the bluffs above because currently the Ladera Street stairs are closed due to a recent bluff failure.

Ledsam says the lot will be closed until June.

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