Definitely a Finback whale

Striations on the jaw, on the mouth, on the lower jaw

"No visible trauma from ship collision or from a predator." (Adrian Urenda)

Whale closely watched

You have a picture of a dead whale, beached in Mexico (Dead Baja whale headed for pit, Neighborhood News, May 22). It’s definitely what they call a Finback whale. You can tell tell...because of the striations on the jaw, on the mouth, on the lower jaw, but you can tell its a Finback particularly because the right side of the jaw is white, you can look it up in a Guide to Marine Mammals of the World from the National Audubon society by Knopf, and it’ll tell you that that’s one of the characteristics to differentiate that whale from a Blue Whale.

  • Carl Jantsch
  • San Diego
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