Conflicted 1950s housewife

Far from Heaven and Brief Encounter go deep into the social issues of the period

Far From Heaven pays homage to the melodramas of Douglas Sirk.

The two films I would recommend would be Far From Heaven and Brief Encounter because both deal with the marital struggles of a mid-century housewife being conflicted with what is desired by them and society. Though both films approach the subject matter in a visually distinct manner from each other, Far From Heaven, with its striking use of color, is truly a painting come to life as it pays homage to the melodramas of Douglas Sirk.

  • (USA) 2002, Focus Features
  • Available on iTunes and Vudu

Brief Encounter, on the other hand, takes a more noir aesthetic to create tension. This is enhanced by Celia Johnson’s performance where she’s able to communicate her character’s inner-conflict without any dialogue. However, Far From Heaven goes deeper into the social issues of the period.

  • (UK) 1945, The Criterion Collection
  • Available on iTunes and Amazon Video
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