Movie thief can't be found

Aargh: Cell pirate eluded lawyer and lawsuit

Last summer, a movie named Cell came out. In the plot, users of cell phones were reprogrammed into mad killers. Critics sneered. The movie was not a big hit.


The producer, Cell Film Holdings, sued a John or Jane Doe in federal court for stealing the film 107 times and distributing it countless times worldwide using BitTorrent software.

After 90 days, Cell Film Holdings attorney James S. Davis of Chula Vista asked the court for another 90 days to locate the Doe thief.

On January 23 of this year, court documents indicate that Davis threw in the towel: not having located this Doe, he dismissed the suit.

Such thievery is common. Davis says the film industry loses $150 billion a year to John and Jane Does.

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