At PB maybe I was getting in their way

Bought a Barry Snyder surfboard for $50

Melissa loves to “turn and carve."

Name: Melissa

Beach: Ocean Beach


Melissa moved here from Guam two months ago.

She’s a 20-year-old college student that frequents Ocean Beach because of the friendlier vibes. “At PB by the pier, it was different,” she said, “maybe I was getting in their way.”

Before settling into her college quarters, she went out and bought a used 5’8″ Barry Snyder surfboard for $50 at the swap meet.

Melissa’s been surfing for the last 2.5 years and loves to “turn and carve …. at home (Guam) we call it a schwack when the spray goes [pssshhh].”

She’s had her share of nosedives and scrapes on the reefs as she learned because “Guam’s got more reef breaks,” she said, “…. but San Diego is more consistent, there’s waves for everyone.”

Melissa favorite surf trip was to Weligama in Sri Lanka. “It’s very rural, beautiful and pristine … with golden sand, blue water, beach breaks and point breaks.”

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