Following campaign stop in Vista, Bernie Sanders hunts down and kills wild investment banker at the San Diego Safari Park

The most dangerous game

Bankers of the world, beware! You have nothing to lose but your heads!

Sanders: “For too long, the investment banker has viewed himself as the apex predator: he hunts freely and consumes whatever he likes, but nothing can touch him. I’m here to serve notice that those days are over. If violence and competition are the only language these monsters can understand, then I’m going to speak that language.


"That’s why I’m taking this opportunity to announce that if I win the Democratic nomination on June 7th, then I will take the supervillian Bane as my running mate. He too understood the detrimental effects of income inequality, the casual brutality of the powerful toward those trapped in the substandard wage-pit, and the necessity of shaking up the system. Bernie-Bane ’16: Taking Inequality Out of the Shadows!”

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