Locavores put spotlight on recent trend of game bird delicacies in San Diego restaurants

Fresh foul

OB Warehouse’s delicious Greens ’n Bird

Pemberton Throckmorton III, food critic for the hipster bible, San Diego Farthuffer Monthly, is just wild about OB Warehouse chef Brian Kelly's latest creation, the generically named — and totally local —Greens ’n Bird.


"San Diego has long been a trendsetter when it comes to locally sourced produce,” Throckmorton told SD on the QT. "It’s not just Chino Farms anymore, you know? We’re pulling from back yard gardens, rooftop gardens — sometimes, you've even got a couple of raised beds in the alley behind the restaurant! But, up until now, local protein has been a trickier business. There are plenty of pigs and cows in this town, but unfortunately, most of them are technically people. I don’t know what sparked this new development, or where the birds are coming from, or even what kind of birds they are. But if Chef Kelly says it’s local, I believe him. And if my taste buds say it’s delicious, I believe them, too. In the end, isn’t that what matters?"

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