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Whoo needs surf lessons?

Depending on the tide, but usually around 1 p.m. on Saturday afternoons at the north end of La Jolla Shores there will be, weather permitting, a canopy with a colorful owl hanging from the frame. This is where the “I’ve Never Surfed Before” meet-up takes place. Ten to thirty members of the group gather for no-charge surf instruction in two separate classes; the second being “I Have Surfed Before But Need Help.” The first group, beginning at 1:00 p.m., is for those who wish to learn maneuvers in the surf while the second group at 2:00 p.m. concentrates on learning to pop up and paddle-out techniques.


I've Never Surfed Before

The meet-up was started in June 2011 by Scott “Batch” Batchelor, a lifelong surfer and waterman. The group grew through and boasts over 3000 members on their page. Though the meet-up continues and the group continues to grow, in December 2014, the Coast Guard relocated Batch to Hawaii.

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