Bright and dim views of San Diego job market

Lousy employment growth, good socioeconomic environment

Of 150 cities, San Diego is 122nd in median salary adjusted for cost of living

Out of 150 American cities, San Diego ranks 98th for those looking for a job, according to WalletHub, which puts together statistics on cities, metro areas, and states.


San Diego comes out 148th in employment growth, 111th in variety of industries, 122nd in median salary adjusted for cost of living, and 128th in housing affordability.

On the somewhat brighter side, San Diego ranks 68th in job opportunities, 70th in unemployment rate, 65th in median annual income adjusted for cost of living, and 67th in time spent working and commuting.

On the definitely brighter side, the city is 29th in socioeconomic environment, which includes such factors as time spent working and commuting, benefits, and transportation costs.

Plano, Texas, is number one overall, with Fresno 149th and Stockton 150th. One has to wonder about Orange County: Anaheim, Santa Ana, and Irvine are tied for 144th for lowest median starting salary adjusted for cost of living. Oxnard is 147th and Santa Rosa 148th.

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