Poway Proposition Plea: Vote Yes on F

Help repair our crumbling educational (contract) system

Poway Unified Superintendent John Collins surveys the wreckage of his sweet gig. Won’t you please help?

Since its designation as a school district in 1960, Poway Unified has built a reputation as one of the finest places to get an excellent education (contract) in the state. Besides the crucial core program (of base pay), the district has built up an outstanding array of additional (payment) options for student (administrators). Things like (monetary) rewards for not dropping out (of high-ranking positions), opportunities for a graduate degree (stipend), and “me-too” (raise) programs that make sure no student (administrator) is left behind. A rising tide (of money) lifts all boats!

Now, special (investigatory) interests within the school system want to take all that away. They’ve already suspended superintendent John Collins, who must face the very real possibility that he will not make his standard $478,000 this year. We can’t even guarantee the stability of his $300,000 base salary. And just last week, two of Collins’ associate superintendents and his head of facilities were forced to retire (by making the decision to do so). You can help stop Poway’s crumbling (administrative salary) infrastructure! Vote Yes on Prop F!

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