Cheatin' seamen

Guilty plea for sailor who helped buddies cheat on taxes

Former U.S. Navy sailor Leonard Demon Washington pleaded guilty yesterday (November 12) to helping 140 fellow seamen cheat on their taxes. He was an active-duty sailor aboard the USS Higgins in San Diego in 2010 when he convinced his fellow Navy servicemembers that he could help them save on their taxes.


Washington convinced more than 140 servicemembers that he had secrets for reducing taxes. He charged $1000 per tax return. He convinced his buddies that he could help them use "special military tax" deductions and other breaks because of their military status. But that was false, as were his other gimmicks, such as phantom tax withholdings.

He received more than $140,000 in preparation fees. He spent it on hotels, restaurants, jewelry and the like and also cheated on his own 2010 taxes. He will be sentenced February 5, 2016.

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