Chargers camp urges promises "thorough examination" of CSAG report

"Just let us savor the moment for a bit, okay?"

C-SAGging hopes?

Statement from Chargers' head of business affairs A. G. Spanos:

Spanos: "Seriously, this is not the kind of thing you want to rush."

We are grateful to San Diego's Citizens' Stadium Advisory Group for putting in the extra effort required to get us a report by our arbitrarily shortened deadline. It shows good faith. Now we want to return the favor by taking a long and careful look at their proposal for a new stadium in San Diego. It's too early to make any kind of official statement, but I will say this: my initial impressions are extremely positive. I mean, this shit is high-larious. Just one example: under "revenue streams," we read that "In San Diego, the stadium would be expected to host: …Monster Truck Jams…Rodeos…Film showings…Bar Mitzvahs.'" That last one is what makes it perfect. I can't wait to take a closer look. Bar Mitzvahs!

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