Temecula doc opens up about Deputy's wound following Fallbrook taser incident

"Shockingly strong."

Once bitten, twice tased?

Sheriff Gill Bore has pointed to a nasty bite wound sustained by deputy Jeremy Banks as sufficient grounds for Banks' decision to deploy his taser while seeking to handcuff a resistant runaway Fallbrook teenager. Both the deputy and the teen were treated in the Temecula Memorial Hospital's emergency room, and today, E.R. doc Sawyer Gorey offered a comment on what he saw that afternoon.


"Really, it's remarkable," said Gorey. "The depth of the wound and the level of bruising surrounding the area are consistent with the bite of a lion or bear. It's certainly beyond the normal capability of a normal 13-year-old human. If the bite really did come from the boy, he would have had to have some incredible source of stimulation. A huge rush of adrenaline, perhaps, brought on by the horrifying prospect of being taken home to his mother. Or perhaps some external force that would send his jaw muscles into spasm; something like a massive jolt of electricity. I'd say that the deputy's taser might have been a possible cause, but that's ridiculous, since the deputy only used the taser after the boy had savagely bitten him."

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