SDG&E explains new billing system

Fewer tiers, more tears

There's something to be said for frankness.

San Diego Gas & Electric recently voted to implement a new billing system, one that raised the per-kilowatt rate for the lightest consumers while lowering the rate for the highest consumers. "I know it looks like we're rewarding the fat cats and screwing the little guy," said Spokeswoman Jennifer Twist. "But really, it's all about fairness. So many San Diego ratepayers have been switching to solar in the hopes of reducing their energy bills that the lower tier has almost doubled in size. That puts us in a bind. SDG&E prides itself on providing consistent, reliable performance (for its investors). If too many people enter the lower tier, the only way to ensure that performance is by putting a greater share of the burden on the higher-tier ratepayers. And that's just not fair. It amounts to an incentive to not consume our excellent product for rich and poor alike. Have you ever heard of a company seeking to put itself out of business or reduce its profits? I didn't think so. So we've made some adjustments, to keep everyone paying their fair share (to our investors)."

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