40 percent of North American birds drop in

About 300 species of birds deem San Elijo Lagoon a worthy place to hang.

San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve

2710 Manchester Avenue, Cardiff by the Sea

In 1970, the San Elijo Alliance was formed to oppose development of the San Elijo Lagoon and to convince county and state government the resource need be protected. By 1983, the lagoon was dedicated to the public.


Now, with years of protection and improvement, including opening up the lagoon mouth to allow beneficial flow and the addition of eight scenic trails, approximately 40 percent of North American bird species have been observed in the reserve. Since its inception, the conservancy has documented some 400 species of plants, 300 species of birds (65 of which nest in the reserve), 23 species of fish, 20 species of amphibians and reptiles, and 26 species of mammals in the reserve.

Saturday and Sunday (January 24 and 25), from 1 to 4 p.m., Wings over Wetlands takes place at the reserve, timed to celebrate the arrival of seasonal migratory birds.

There will be bird-themed crafts, face-painting, and nature activities. Conservancy naturalists will have spotting scopes and binoculars for use along the Loop Trail that overlooks the lagoon.

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