House of McCartha

House of Cards

You won’t be able to stop watching Under The Skin with Scarlett Johansson. You’ll think it’s a hidden camera film and they told her to improv her lines. However, this story unfolds into a wicked smart drama about alien abduction that mesmerizes with its ’80s style sci-fi scoring and disorienting Irish setting. Gripping, original, and a sci-fi buff must-watch.

  • Under the Skin (England) 2013, A24
  • Available on iTunes and Google Play

Television today is mostly bad, serving up a lot of guilty pleasures or utter wastes of brain cells (Honey BooBoo). But sometimes a show renews your faith that the industry still aspires to brilliance. House of Cards is one such show. If you’re halfway intellectual and like political dramas like The Pelican Brief or Michael Clayton, then you’ll be binge-watching this Netflix show with Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright. They show what a REAL power couple looks like. Set in Washington DC and told in a Shakespearean style, it’s jaw-dropping!


Merrick McCartha, Actor

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