Better than all the ads containing boobs/butts

Readers speak their minds

One reader prefers to look at buds over butts


Fourteen people were just slaughtered in San Bernardino, and Barbarella writes a fucking column about a puzzle room (Diary of a Diva: “A Room with a Clue,” December 3). Are you kidding me?

  • Michael M.
  • via voicemail

The shootings in San Bernardino occurred after the issue had already gone to press. — Editor


One of the Most Beautiful Stadiums in the Country

I’ve just read your November 26th column ostensibly written by Kevin Faulconer, “El Niño, El Schmiño.” If it’s true that he feels the Chargers are so important to our community that if they leave San Diego — “I hope El Nino brings a real rain, one that washes this whole stinking city off the face of the earth” — he’s much sicker than previously imagined.

The Chargers have been a financial drag on our city for many years now. The Spanos family is clearly more interested in feathering their own nest than with delivering services to our community. When is the last time they provided services to the poor in our community? When did they provide educational resources to our community? All they want is taxpayer-supported gifts, and they then demand to keep all profits (parking fees, concessions, television revenues, etc) without giving back to the taxpayers that funded their monopoly in the first place by buying them a new stadium where we already have what Dick Enberg once said was one of the most beautiful stadiums in the country.

Enough! Let them leave and let’s get a mayor who truly cares about San Diegans and not his own political gain.

  • Steven Feldman
  • Scripps Ranch

Better Than Boobs/Butts

Thank you for all of the medical marijuana advertisements every week (better than the boobs/butts ads).

The county outlet only had bake-your-own edibles and their own untested vape equipment. The city cannot seem to get out of its own way.

To sleep pain-free, I want a tested product of consistent quality at a reasonable price — just like other medications I take. Commercially produced edibles work for me, but shops keep closing. I need your ads. Medical marijuana is legal.

  • Name Withheld
  • Serra Mesa
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