Paris : Beirut :: San Diego : Africa?

Activists bemoan lopsided media coverage of rhino crisis

To be fair, Paris has always garnered more attention from the world than Beirut.

In late November, Nola — one of the last Northern white rhinos in existence — was euthanized at the San Diego Zoo after doctors proved unable to contain an infection stemming from an abscess in her hip.

Yesterday, a crowd gathered in front of the zoo’s main entrance in an attempt to block access to the popular tourist attraction. When asked the reason why, one protestor replied, “Are you a reporter? We’re not talking to the press. You’ll just have to watch what we do.”


So SD on the QT was forced to go online, where we found the above rendering of the Joker Mind Loss meme, followed by the photos on the right:

More on this story as it develops.

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