Sorry, soldier

High cost of SD living a deterrent to retired military

Old-timers (including yours truly) can remember when San Diego was chock-full of retired military persons who learned how glorious the weather was when serving at one of the local bases. It's not so true now. In honor of Veterans Day tomorrow (November 11), WalletHub,a statistical aggregator that reports on metro areas and states, says San Diego ranks 24th among 100 metro areas as a good location for veterans.


It's easy to see why: cost of living is too high for average military retirement pay. WalletHub ranks the metro areas on "economic wellness." This includes housing affordability and cost of living, as well as percentage of military skill-related jobs, rate of veteran wage growth, percentage of veterans living below the poverty line, number of homeless veterans, and veteran-owned businesses per veteran population. By those metrics, San Diego ranks 72nd of the 100, offsetting its ranking of 7th in environment, health, and education.

Chula Vista comes in 15th overall, but, again, it's 57th in economic wellness.

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