Beachfront Benghazi?

Hillary Clinton denies involvement in raid on Mitt Romney's La Jolla compound.

"What prompted them? What difference does it make?"

Former Secretary of State releases statement for the press: "Look, if some overzealous taggers get busy on a property that's already been slated for destruction, I don't think that's any of my business. It's simply absurd to suppose that just because I happened to be in town at the time attending a conference, and just because I was in La Jolla signing copies of my new book, Hard Choices, and just because I'm widely considered to be the Democratic front-runner for 2016 despite not having officially made that particular 'hard choice,' and just because I recently made a gaffe about my economic status that made some people want to lump me in with [former Presidential candidate] Mitt 'Mo Money' Romney, I had something to do with this fairly hilarious bit of political advertising. I'm not saying I would give a spot to the parties responsible on any future campaign I might conduct, but I'm not saying I wouldn't, either."

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