A big and daunting proposition

To prove yourself at a new job

Your résumé got you an interview, and you answered the questions in your job well enough to get hired.

What’s next?

Next is the most important step in your new job. Nothing in the past matters now, only how you perform in your new position.


That’s a big and daunting proposition, and one you can’t avoid. Here are some simple ways of assuring that you’ll do what you can to not only prove your value as a good employee, but to win over your new employer and create a bright future for yourself.

Be the employee that is self-motivated. Supervisors like employees who know what’s expected of them and get to it. Certainly, there is a period of learning your employer’s expectations, but after that point you’re expected to meet them on your own. Your boss doesn’t want to answer 20 questions a day about how you should do your job. He has limited time and will value those employees who respect that and anticipate what needs to be done.

Understand the cultural nuances of your workplace. Every workplace has stated and unstated work rules and they can vary widely from company to company. Your employer probably has a book filled with workplace laws and rules, but it can’t contain a rule or expectation for every situation. The unstated work rules are really important, and while you’ll learn some from management, you’ll probably learn more by observing the actions of other workers and asking them questions. Understanding and appreciating the culture is essential to becoming a true team player.

Know how to solve problems. The most pressing labor issue in today’s workplace is not the skills or education of workers, but how they are able to apply those on an everyday basis. Supervisors love workers that discover solutions for them. That adds value to a company and enhances individual career opportunities.

Be inquisitive. The more you know about your business, the better equipped you will be to succeed. Certainly, you don’t want to become a pest by asking a lot of questions, but if you spend your time on breaks or lunch periods asking people about their jobs, you’ll come to have a better understanding of the company’s operations than many managers. Knowledge is a commodity in the workplace.

Have confidence in yourself. This attribute can open doors of success that you never knew existed. Employers know that employees will make mistakes at times, but they really appreciate the employee who stands up and tries again, and knows they have the tools to accomplish the job. This is an infectious attribute that can spread to everyone around you. It’s often a distinguishing factor in why some people achieve great success and become leaders in the company while others struggle to keep up on a daily basis.

These are very simple things to do, but are often overlooked. Don’t limit your career possibilities because you don’t pay attention.

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