Surf rage at Swami’s: board used as weapon?

Kern Glaubitz admits to “making criminal threats"

Surfer Kern Vincent Glaubitz was charged with assault with a deadly weapon — a surfboard — by the San Diego County District Attorney’s office on January 15. After being held in custody two weeks, Glaubitz made a plea deal.

“All of the victims and witnesses are regulars to Swami’s in Encinitas,” said prosecutor Matthew Greco, noting there are “two separate victims.”


“[Glaubitz] attacked one with a surfboard and threatened to kill the other — all in the water,” the prosecutor alleged.

The famous surf spot has its own Wikipedia page, where it notes “the highly competitive nature of the crowd” that surfs Swami’s.

In his plea deal, 48-year-old Glaubitz admitted “making criminal threats,” according to a statement from the prosecutor. “Part of the plea agreement includes a stay-away [order] from the beach,” the deputy district attorney said.

Glaubitz is described as six feet tall and 200 pounds on the sheriff’s website, and he has been held without bail since January 13. Glaubitz is on calendar to be sentenced in San Diego’s North County Superior Courthouse on February 27.

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