Lawyer cusses out judge, gets suspended

But "f*** you" constitutionally protected, says State Bar

The State Bar of California has suspended Iwo Ostoja-Lojasiewicz for 90 days and placed him on two years of probation for trying to serve a subpoena on superior-court judge Timothy B. Taylor at his home


Ostoja-Lojasiewicz reportedly shouted at Taylor, "The pedicab case went to trial after you lost an appeal to me, and we won, so fuck you, Timothy B. Taylor!" The judge and his wife, a bankruptcy court judge, told the State Bar Court that they are fearful for their safety.

Ostoja-Lojasiewicz had sent a letter to the judge that the judge considered improper communication. Then the lawyer found the judge's home address and sent another letter, later showing up and peeking through the window.

Ostoja-Lojasiewicz reportedly tried to serve a subpoena on Judge Taylor and called him corrupt. Then came the cursing. The lawyer's "screaming accusations and profanities at Judge Taylor may be constitutionally protected. However, when included with respondent's escalating conduct toward Judge Taylor, [the lawyer's] conduct has caused Judge Taylor and Mrs. Taylor to have justified fear," ruled the State Bar Court.

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