Look out — burglaries in Normal Heights

All three within a block of each other

San Diego police say Normal Heights residents need to lock their doors and windows — a series of burglaries recently hit the normally quiet neighborhood north of Adams Avenue.

The burglaries took place during the day — and three were within a block of each other.


Last week, someone broke into houses around 33rd Street between Mountain View and Collier, community relations officer Jenny Hall confirmed.

On Monday, April 21, two houses on 33rd Street (one north and one south of Collier)were burglarized. The next day somebody broke into a house on Mountain View, just east of 33rd Street.

On Wednesday, April 23, a home in the 4500 block of 37th Street was burglarized.

"All but one, entry was made through open doors or windows," Hall said. "Only one home was entered by breaking window glass. So, we're reminding people to just keep everything closed and locked when they're not home."

Three of the burglaries occurred between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. — just one occurred later, according to police reports.

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