New Move From America's Finest Luchador

San Diego's own El Zephyr debuts the Fletcher Flip

El Zephyr (on mat) attempts a Fletcher Flip to escape being pinned down.

El Zephyr, the San Diego-based luchador whose identity is known only to his sponsors at Lucha Libre Taco Shop, came forward today to announce his plan to debut a new wrestling move at next week's match against El Halconero ("The Falconer") at the Lakeside Rodeo.


"As San Diego's champion," began the famed luchador, who has never actually managed to become a champion, "I have already mastered two of my people's signature moves. All luchadores tremble with fear at the intimidating, authoritarian force of the Filner Headlock. Some of the vanquished are so ashamed, they will not speak of it for years afterwards. And many a brave opponent has been brought to grief at the last minute by my patented Charger Choke. Just when victory seems in their grasp, I strike, and turn their sure victory into crushing defeat."

"But now," cried El Zephyr, "I have been inspired by our city's new favorite, Nathan Fletcher. A man who was once a Republican, then an Independent, then a Democrat, and now a crusader for Irwin Jacobs! A man who will not be pinned down to any party or position! I call it: THE FLETCHER FLIP. I may not win, but with the Fletcher Flip, I cannot lose!"

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