Don't sing with your mouth full

Cathryn Beeks dishes up Volume 2 of her musical cookbooks

San Diego music maven Cathryn Beeks asks local artists to put their music where their mouth is in Volume 2 of the Listen Local cookbooks.

It’s no secret that music and food are a good match, so aficionados may want to check out the second volume of the Listen Local cookbook, featuring 75 recipes and 30 tunes from San Diego–based musicians. The brainchild of music promoter and host of KPRI’s Homegrown Hour, Cathryn Beeks, the idea came about when she realized many of her musical friends had written songs mentioning food.

“I love a good compilation, especially when there is a theme to it,” Beeks said. “Compilations help people discover new voices and songs, but I wanted it to be different, too. A lot my musician friends are also amazing cooks, so it seemed logical to put out a cookbook to add to my compilation of food-related songs from my favorite locals.”


There will be a book-release event Friday, November 15, at the Go Lounge, 8 to midnight, featuring music from some of the artists on the compilation, including Jeffrey Joe Morin, Tim Flack and Lindsay White, plus sampling of food and drinks from the book.

The idea is for funds raised from the project to be donated locally, though things didn’t quite go according to plan with the first volume released in 2006. “The first one was a hardcopy with a CD included,” she said. “It was pricey to put out and we actually didn't make any money to donate, which was the whole idea.” Volume 2 is digital, making cost minimal, with a portion of the proceeds earmarked for local charity, which assists local musicians in need. There will be an iPhone app, too, so recipes can be easily accessed.

According to Beeks, criteria for inclusion this time out was more far-reaching than on Volume 1. “The first time out, I invited specific people based on their food-related songs,” Beeks said. “For Volume 2 I invited everyone within earshot of my blog or radio show to submit. Since this one is digital, I figured I'd use everything submitted.”

Among the performers submitting recipes are Gregory Page, Jack Tempchin, and Marie Haddad. Beeks has tried several of the dishes described in the book. “The recipes are all over the map this time, some very technical and others super easy, but I loved the chicken and dumplings Garrison Bailey made,” she said.


Go Lounge

7123 El Cajon Boulevard, La Mesa

Beeks acknowledges the idea of a cookbook is a little unusual for a music promoter, but she notes it takes outside-the-box thinking to make things stand out in today’s overcrowded market place. “The Listen Local ‘umbrella’ is wide and embraces unique ideas, all with our local musicians in mind,” she said. “Hopefully the book will inspire new chefs and encourage new songwriters.

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