Radvocate Video Magazine: episode 2

“Ever since the first print zine for The Radvocate came out, I had a vision for an accompanying video magazine as well,” writes Radvocate publisher and editor Matt Lewis in an email.


“Because of the amount of work it takes to put the print versions together, along with personal commitments, it was only recently that I was finally able to focus on it. It takes a lot of work and there were quite a few hiccups.”

Lewis says the first episode was “kind of a cop out... just random footage I had shot on my trip to Europe.”

But, while episode two is still “rough around the edges and has a long way to go,” it is closer to what he envisioned for the video magazine from the get-go.

Contributors include: New Best Thing, Margaret Noble, So Say We All, Gene Galang, Juliet Escoria, Beta Lion, and their associated video teams.

“Essentially, RVM works the same way the print version of The Radvocate does: people can submit their work (as long as it's not hateful) and it will all be edited together in different issues,” Lewis writes.

“The fact that it is in a different medium is something that I hope will open up The Radvocate to a wider audience, and give it much more room for creative growth. But don't worry, the print issues aren't going anywhere! Although the release date isn't concrete yet, I am hoping that we will be able to release our eleventh issue before the end of the year. So for now, please enjoy Episode 2 and give us any kind of feedback if you like. If you're interested in contributing to Episode 3, the process is the same: send me an e-mail with your idea or video work and we can go from there.”

Contact Matt Lewis and The Radvocate at: theradvocatemag@gmail.com

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