Natives In, Nonnatives Out of Famosa Slough

A project to remove nonnative trees and plants around the perimeter of Famosa Slough's eastern edge has been completed. Gone are the palm trees, eucalyptus, and other invasive plant species that threatened the biological integrity of the preserve. Toyon tree saplings and California sagebrush plants were planted in their place; they will grow to become a food source for birds and insects. Cottonwoods, willows, and sycamores will afford nesting areas for perching birds.


According to, "fifteen years ago, the upland areas of the slough and channel contained almost no native plants. The (new) plants in the slough...have been selected for planting because they are native to the area and probably lived there before the development of Point Loma. Over 80% of the plants along the paths in the area are now natives."

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