Ocean Beach Woman Seeks to Reclaim Child From CPS

Larissa Danielli, the Ocean Beach woman who was arrested after a fire broke out in her apartment complex in early November, has had to start a "Save Silas" donation page to raise funds to reclaim her son from Child Protective Services.


"I'm raising money to save my 22 month-old baby boy, Silas. We were victims of an apartment fire (through no fault of our own). Due to the fire, I lost my home, my business, my job and my child. Although I didn't break ONE LAW, my baby was illegally and wrongfully seized due to the fact that I am a medical marijuana patient. I am fighting to bring him home," Larissa states in the appeal for funds to pay for attorney fees.

Daniella also encourages friends and supporters to help her by writing letters to politicians.

Pictured: Larissa Danielli and Silas

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