Puppy Love


I didn't mind the long line to the checkout counter at Fry's Electronics, not this time. Because this time, there was a puppy in the shopping cart in front of me. "Do you mind?" I said, but I didn't wait for the woman to answer before I put my hands all over that soft little ball of fur. More than one person in line made a joke about not knowing the electronics store sold puppies. David was one of them.

"Some day, beh beh," I said, as I stroked the whimpering pup's back and scratched its ears. "Some day we'll have one of these for ourselves." I sighed wistfully. We'd considered moving from our condo into a house, a place with a yard, a yard that was conducive to energetic doggies. But it's looking like we'll move into another not-as-dog-friendly, cement-surrounded city-scape. That and the traveling keeps us from tethering ourselves to the responsibility of keeping a pet. For now, I get my doses where I can, from friends with pets and the occasional puppy-in-a-shopping-cart-at-Fry's.


See how adorable it was for yourself, right here:

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