Reputed Drug Dealer Threatens Woman in Laundry Room

On May 16 at around noon, a woman was waiting for the rinse cycle in a laundry room at the Mariner's Cove apartment complex in Ocean Beach when she witnessed what she told me "looked like illegal activity occurring." The laundry room is in a quiet corner of the complex, near a dead-end driveway where many suspicious-looking residents tend to congregate.

On May 16, a reputed drug-dealing resident was loitering in the area while on his cell phone. After his phone conversation, the suspected dealer confronted the female in the laundry room and insisted that she was "watching him and making him feel uncomfortable," according to the woman.


The man then called his mother, who came running outside of her apartment. A shouting match ensued between the mother and the woman, who insisted she had been "doing her laundry and watching her clothes spin out."

A heavyset associate of the reputed dealer then told the woman, "I know where you live."

Other neighbors had come to see what the disturbance was about. The upset laundress retreated to her apartment to call the management office and SDPD to report the "loitering" of suspicious people near the laundry room.

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