Found at the Sunset Cliffs Beach Cleanup...

On the morning of Saturday, April 9, an estimated 231 volunteers turned out at Sunset Cliffs for a Surfrider-sponsored beach cleanup.

The event brings out a brigade of YMCA Navy personnel, guys, and SDSU sorority ladies who pitch in to pick up trash at the park located directly below Point Loma Nazarene University. High school students and probationers also receive community-service credits for donating time at these cleanups.


As Sunset Cliffs is notorious for late-night partying and homeless camping, discarded debris was everywhere. The City of San Diego recently cleared out homeless dwelling areas, but still there were pockets of refuse that indicated people have been living in the park.

Surfrider always notes the most unusual items found at their cleanups. At Sunset Cliffs, a 185-pound chunk of concrete won that award, but a close second was the large amount of discarded used condoms that volunteers found and then noted on their data-collection sheets.

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