Little Italy Stoplight Makes for Safer Intersection

“I think it’s going to be a lot easier to get on the freeway in the mornings,” said a Little Italy resident before crossing Beech Street on the morning of September 10 with her pug.

A new stoplight at the intersection of Beech and Front Streets was in operation; for the past two months, cardboard had been taped over the lights.


The resident said the traffic light will make her walk safer, as well. “People would come off the freeway way too fast,” she said.

Previously, cars traveling east on Beech would have to wait while cars exited Interstate 5 south at exit 17 onto Front Street. Speeding through a gap in traffic, vehicles would then have to quickly stop half a block later.

The City’s website lists the number of traffic lights in San Diego at 40,000, all maintained by the City of San Diego Street Division, which is also responsible for sidewalks, drains, trees, and signs.

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