Strong-Mayor Mess

Councilmember Donna Frye isn't a strong supporter of "strong mayor." At the February 16 meeting of the San Diego City Council, she shared her thoughts of what is to come if the voters insist on pumping up the mayor.

"This particular system is flawed," said Frye, the representative from the sixth district. "There was no public process. It was a couple of people who got behind the mayor and some councilmembers...and they decided what it would look like, and it looked like a mess."


According to Frye, it will remain that way.

"This particular form of government, because of how it originated, is flawed and what will be voted on in June will still be flawed. To believe naively that you can go back and try and correct this, let me tell you something, it is not going to work that way. I think you will see an actual strengthening of the power of the executive branch."

Frye then moved on to councilmember Carl DeMaio's accusations that some councilmembers were playing a political "game" when the issue was sent back to the Rules Committee.

Frye responded, "I was absent that day and requested out of courtesy that some measures...come to the Rules Committee. There was no game on my part it was legislative courtesy."

Frye concluding remark: "Let's make sure when we tell history that we don't spin it."

The strong-mayor measure will appear on the June 8 ballot as well as the accompanying measures that would add a ninth council district and give the council the power to override a mayoral veto with a 2/3 vote.

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