This Could Be a Problem

On behalf of the Downtown Encinitas Mainstreet Association, executive director Dody Crawford appeared before the Encinitas City Council on August 18 to request that the council reconsider the installation of a public bench in front of a liquor store located on South Coast Highway 101 between E and F streets.

As a result of the “Pacific Station” project, a bench formerly in front of the Barracuda Grill restaurant is being moved to accommodate new traffic-lane configurations. The bench is expected to be relocated directly in front of the Cork & Keg liquor store.


“The bench, if it’s placed there, will be facing the front door of the liquor store,” said Crawford. “The [nearby] merchants there are very upset because they’ve noticed that benches, usually, are the only a place for vagrants to sit and drink alcohol and harass people as they walk by.”

Crawford said merchants would prefer that something else be placed at the designated location, such as a bike rack.

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