Signs of the Times

MC Flow’s new “Created Equal” video continues the project born on November 5, after Californians opposing legalized marriage between gay couples voted Proposition 8 into law. Flow responded in verse, with a video for the song filmed on the streets of San Diego. The video was directed by a local couple, Kevin and Rebecca Joelson.


To film the video, Rebecca Joelson says she “…approached people and asked if they would take 30 seconds out of their day to be in a music video about ‘No on Prop 8’…about 60 percent said no.”

Willing participants held one of around 70 signs with handwritten lyric segments.

“Each participant chose the word they wanted to hold, that had the most meaning to them, and they wrote their word on the sign,” says Joelson.

Sample lyric: “Someday when our kids look back, they’ll ask us why we froze in fear/ Why we wrote hate on the books, why we made rights disappear/ We’ll be forced to answer to them, why we backed discrimination/ Why we broke up marriages and families with no hesitation.”

“Created Equal” can be viewed at

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