Second Skin

Name: Frank

Age: 35


Lives In: Mission Beach

Surfing: Mission Beach

Pre-Surf Music: Band of Horses

Post-Surf Food: Anything healthy

Frank had a nasty collision one evening at La Jolla Shores.

“As I was starting to go up a wave, this little girl was coming down the same wave on her board. I had just enough time to jump off my board and pull it toward myself. She ended up going over my board and arm. It put a huge gash in my surfboard and sliced through my wetsuit. Luckily, I only had a small cut, I think the wetsuit protected me.”

Eleven years ago Frank saw the movie North Shore and solicited surfer friends to introduce him to the sport. Since then, he has witnessed some odd occurrences. Last summer in Pacific Beach he saw lifeguards chasing a man on a surfboard.

“He was screaming, ‘You’re not going to make an example out of me!’ I have no idea what it was about. They were trying to block him off,” he says of the lifeguards who were in a boat as well as paddling on a surfboard. “The only thing I can guess is that he was surfing in one of the flagged-off areas for swimming.” Yes, he got caught.

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