
“I wasn’t mentally stable on that first record,” said Tom DeLonge recently to the Ventura County Reporter; DeLonge referred to the 2006 Angels and Airwaves disc We Don’t Need to Whisper. “I was spun out on painkillers and wasn’t focused on health and the real me.”


Prior to the album’s release, according to DeLonge, painkillers prompted statements concerning his “best band on the planet,” “best album in the history of the universe,” and how A&A are “better than the Beatles, Jesus, and sex.”

“I wasn’t sober, that’s why. I was fucking with people to a degree, but what I couldn’t understand was, for ten years, I said I fucked dogs. Now I say this, and people really want to believe me. I did feel and believe those things, but I had no clue how to communicate, because I was spun out on painkillers. It caused a lot of controversy, which I knew would happen. It was rad but also a time bomb ready to explode.”

Internet wags are still buzzing over World Trade Center conspiracy statements made by DeLonge while playing DJ in a mock takeover of 91X.

“It’s so weird how our own government did it to us; 9/11 was not perpetrated by a bunch of people that just learned how to fly planes,” DeLonge claimed on the air in 2006. “The buildings came down in a fashion extremely similar to a controlled demolition of a building.… [Vice President Dick] Cheney knew that the planes are coming in, and he capped the order to leave it alone, so it could hit [the towers].”

– Jay Allen Sanford

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